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Home | Blog | Talking Telemarketing: Why English Proficiency is Appreciated, But Not Required

Talking Telemarketing: Why English Proficiency is Appreciated, But Not Required

By Magellan Solutions

Updated on November 26, 2024

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Why English Proficiency Matters Less in Telemarketing PH

Communication is the heart of marketing. Combined with proper context and strategic dialogues, effective marketing is founded on strong partnerships, and built-in constant, effective, and open communication lines.

While language is an essential tool for communication in building a partnership, effective trumps perfect when it comes to telemarketing, and marketing, in general.

A less than perfect skills in English shouldn’t hamper confidence and communication; all it takes is a bit of know-how and a whole lot of making good use of excellent communication skills beyond what your grammar level allows.

Communication is at the forefront of a partnership with telemarketing companies in the Philippines

In the early stages of the partnership, effective communication ensures your product or service meets the customer’s immediate needs. While you might be iffy with your English skills, regular communication with your customer allows you to adapt and grow, which, when done right, results in meeting or even exceeding requirements and expectations.

To be effective in outbound telemarketing in the Philippines, you need to earnabove-average communication skills such as:

1. Friendliness

Telemarketers need to attempt to create a positive and unique relationship with potential customers within seconds. This requires a friendly attitude, a personable nature, and a willingness to listen, as well as talk.

Call center services Philippines who come across as pushy or overly forceful may run the risk of scaring off potential customers. A kind approach, paired with a friendly and understanding attitude, can establish a sense of trust between the caller and the customer.

2. Good Communication

Strong communication skills are vital to the success of a telemarketer. Make sure the people you employ are easily understood and come across as personal and relaxed, rather than stilted and rehearsed.

However, communication is not just two parties talking.

Telemarketers should be able to:

  • Gain clarity

Clarity of communication is important. Attaining it often involves asking key questions. This allows you to gain a better understanding of the customer’s situation.

Providing customers with an understanding of what actions you will take within a specific time frame leaves little doubt in their minds about what to expect and eliminates confusion or misunderstandings.

  • Reinforcing sales

Great communication serves as a valuable reinforcement tool to solidify the purchase.

For example, a salesperson who stays in touch with a customer in the period immediately following the sale can reinforce the benefits of his product or service, as well as emphasize features that meet the customer’s needs.

Filipino telemarketers are able quickly to address any concerns that the customer may have, even basic concerns such as figuring out how to use a new product. In the process, the salesperson can also lay the foundation for a long-term relationship leading to repeat sales.

  • Implement change

Customers’ requirements are likely to change over time. The ability to communicate with them helps you adapt to their changing needs.

For instance, if you’re a distributor of goods, an increase in a customer’s business may require a corresponding increase in the frequency of your deliveries. By maintaining regular communication with the customer, you are better prepared to make the needed changes in the delivery schedule quickly and efficiently.

In some cases, you may even be able to anticipate the customer’s need for change and make helpful suggestions.

  • Stay in touch

Failure to communicate with customers for extended periods can cause them to forget about you. It can also make them think you no longer care about their business.

When the time comes for them to need your services again, they may decide to look to your competition instead.

Even if a customer doesn’t have a current need for what your business provides, the simple act of staying in touch with a newsletter, email, or even the occasional in-person visit can reassure them you’re still there to assist them whenever they need you.

3. Knowledge of products

Regardless of what type of product or service a telemarketer is selling, product knowledge is vital.

Employ people who are able to become familiar with a product’s selling features quickly and can accurately convey the specifics to potential customers.

Outbound telemarketing services in the Philippines should be well-versed in product lines and trained to answer the most common questions. A telemarketer who can’t quickly and accurately answer questions runs the risk of losing a sale if he has to stop, put the customer on hold, or pause to look up basic information.

4. Persuasiveness

Working in a sales role, telemarketers must be able to persuade potential customers about the value and necessity of what they sell. This requires a persuasive attitude.

As a result, you gain the ability to make a solid value proposition. You can demonstrate the specific need the product or service will fulfill.

Your telemarketing call center Philippines representatives should be able to think on their feet, overcome objections, and effectively close the sale.

5. Ability to sell

Selling skills are critical in organizations that rely on ongoing buying.

The ability to build relationships with customers, persuade them to make purchases, and generate repeat business is at the heart of selling.

Sales are a component of a company’s marketing and promotions. For it to be effective, Magellan Solutions as a telesales company in the Philippines must be:

  • Persuasive

Selling is generally one of the most persuasive forms of promotion a company has.

Persuading prospects to make purchases is a common objective of sales. This is accomplished by the salesperson. They genuinely take an interest in prospects, listen to their needs, and make honest product or service recommendations that best match.

Sellers can look prospects in the eye, use verbal and nonverbal communication, and thoroughly explain the benefits of given solutions.

  • Interactive

What really distinguishes selling from advertising and other traditional promotional efforts is its interactive component.

Salespeople not only present to prospects, but they ask questions, listen to responses, and also read the nonverbal signs of buyers in face-to-face situations. This allows sellers to draw out concerns that would impact a sale.

This doesn’t happen when people watch or listen to commercials. By hearing what is in the way of a sale, a salesperson can more effectively combat those issues and convey a value proposition.

  • Able to gain feedback

Closely aligned with the interaction of selling, good salespeople and organizations also use the opportunity to gain feedback on their products, company, and service. This allows for ongoing development and improvement of the solutions offered to new prospects and existing customers.

Though criticisms are often hard to hear, companies that succeed over a long period of time listen to customers and address product flaws or service issues.

  • Able to gain customer loyalty

Advertising is often used to attract customer attention and convey product benefits. However, selling also plays a role in maintaining ongoing customer relationships.

Salespeople follow up with buyers to ensure a good experience. They follow through on commitments made during the selling process. They also make suggestions for any additional purchases.

All of these things allow the salesperson to keep in contact with customers and manage ongoing communication about customer needs.

English Proficiency in a New Light with Telemarketing Services in the Philippines

Asia is known to have the highest range of English proficiencies among the world’s regions, and the Philippines ranks second with a high EF EPI score of 61.84.

While Filipinos can’t claim to be native English speakers as much as we would like to, the local talent pool can speak, read, and write in this language, even at a rudimentary level.

On a visit to the Philippines, Japan Times columnist Amy Chavez found it impressive how a big population of Filipinos are fluent in the English language. Additionally, she found it surprising that some of the English speakers have not stepped outside of the country’s barriers.

While impressed, Chavez still believes that having both English and Filipino as official languages does not mean that everyone understands or speaks English, further noting that the exposure to the language is so great that those who do speak it can communicate quite fluently.

In addition to this, it’s been said that The old Bilingual Medium of Instruction policy did more to erode than elevate our competency in the English language to globally acceptable standards.

Thankfully, the Philippines now has the Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTBMLE) language teaching component embedded in the basic education curriculum. This guarantees a higher level of competency in the language that is up to the world’s standards, which is an edge in the rapid globalization of business.

Prime Call Center Outsourcing Philippines with Magellan Solutions

An innate, excellent command of the English language serves as a competitive edge for Filipinos. This holds especially true for those in the customer service industry.

As such, foreign investors are encouraged to take their offshore business operations to the Philippines, where they can recruit English-proficient workers who can easily adapt to cross-cultural demands.

Back in the day, businesses often kept their client support agencies located. However, after the Philippines quickly rose to the higher echelon in terms of outsourcing, many foreign outsourcing clients now proudly disclose their Filipino outsourced staff—a small but valuable detail that proves outsourcing to the Philippines is the most cost-effective optionwithout compromising quality.

Get the best telemarketer in the Philippines! Contact us now and see the difference!

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