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Outsource 1 800 Answering Service To The Philippines
Are you too busy answering all business-related phone calls? Forward your calls to us, and outsource 1-800 answering services now! Please leave us a message and find out more.
What Is The 1-800 Answering Service?
Call center companies such as Magellan offer 1-800 answering services. When using code 1-800, your customer’s call will be sent directly to your outsourced company, and the agents will attend to your customer’s needs.
How Do 1-800 Numbers Work?
By adding the code 1-800, the connection will be redirected from your main company phone line to the call center company you outsourced. This allows your company to have more time to focus on your core activities instead of spending your day staying on the phone.
Who Needs A 1 800 Answering Service?
Businesses both big and small need the 1-800 answering services. Outsourcing this service would maximize your company’s output by allowing you and your team to put your undivided attention to the important matters of your business.

How Is A Toll-Free Number Helpful For A Small Business?
Toll-free numbers allow long-distance calls without the usual extra charges. This feature allows small businesses to attract overseas business prospects. Without the need to pay extra long-distance charges, international clients will be enticed to use your services.
How To Get A 1 800 Answering Service?
To acquire 1-800 answering services, you first need to find an answering service provider who has an impressive track record and offers a competitive pricing range. If you are interested in getting this answering service, you might want to try sending an inquiry to Magellan Solutions.
1800 Number Answering Service For SMEs
Outsourcing on 1-800 number answering services can help you run your business smoothly, especially when put in the hands of a competent service provider. Magellan Solutions is a reliable call center company that has been in this industry for 15 years now. We continue to provide 24/7 service, and we make sure our customers receive nothing short of the best quality service.

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Toll Free: 1 800 371 6224
US: +1 650 204 3191
UK: +44 8082 803 175
AU: +61 1800 247 724